by Mike Rudat | Jan 2, 2018
3 Tips to Help You Plan for this Year’s Research What research do you need to conduct this year? How do you determine how and when to execute it? These are just some of the questions that companies may be asking themselves right about now. Research and budget...
by Mike Rudat | Dec 21, 2017
Webinar Recap: Infusing Survey Research with Big Data Technology and data capabilities are just two ways the world is changing. With more interconnected devices, we now have access to even more robust data sets. But big data has been a tremendous challenge for many...
by Mike Rudat | Dec 19, 2017
4 Definitions in Market Research Everyone Should Know There are a lot of terms that market researchers need to know, whether it be specific to market research, product development, marketing, or other disciplines. However, there are also several very important...
by Mike Rudat | Dec 12, 2017
How to Choose the Right Quantitative Data Visualization You’ve carefully conducted research with the right target market and the right questions—now your job is done, right? Wrong. Now you need to choose the right data visualizations to depict the results. The...
by Mike Rudat | Dec 7, 2017
How to Conduct Usability Testing We’ve previously talked about how market research can help shape the user experience (UX) and drive user engagement. Now let’s get more specific into the user research, or rather the user testing, that takes place in regards to UX and...
by Mike Rudat | Dec 5, 2017
Predictive Analytics and Regression Models Explained We’ve previously mentioned the use of predictive analytics and regression models in our machine learning series, but we didn’t exactly explain the role of these two things in market research as a whole. As with...
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