Psychology in Market Research

Psychology in Market Research Psychology and market research have a lot in common. In fact, many psychology professionals choose the realm of market research as a career path. Both disciplines seek to understand more about people— and approach that task through...

Gen Z: The Next Generation in Market Research

Gen Z: The Next Generation in Market Research Remember the hype years ago when the Millennial generation consumed every ounce of a brand’s marketing and research budget? Well get ready because it’s happening again— this time with Generation Z. Marketers are estimating...

What Drives Women’s Purchases of Cosmetic Foundation?

What Drives Women’s Purchases of Cosmetic Foundation? In partnership with a well-known CPG brand, we’ve previously looked at understanding how natural and premium care products are interpreted. We knew that more and more consumers have become increasingly aware of...

How to Test Digital Creative

How to Test Digital Creative What happens to your research activities when your media budget shifts dramatically towards digital? Old world rule of thumb says only test TV, and the rest will follow. In the new world, digital ads are often the pillars to the...

Steps to New Product Success Through Front End Innovation

Steps to New Product Success Through Front End Innovation So you’ve got an idea? Before it can even begin to enter into product development, you want to figure out whether it’s a good idea or a bad one. In the past, a lot of idea screening centered on random insights...

Impact of Gender in Market Research

Impact of Gender in Market Research It’s nothing new to say that gender impacts many areas of marketing and product development. However, gender has a particular significance within the realm of market research too. While gender stereotypes are something to avoid, it...