How a Craft Brewery Took Their Research a Step Further

How a Craft Brewery Took Their Research a Step Further We previously conducted research for a small craft brewery, Alpine Dog Brewing, located in Denver, Colorado. Originally, Alpine reached out to GutCheck for help choosing a new label design for their 2018 product...

Data Visualization: Qualitative vs. Quantitative

Data Visualization: Qualitative vs. Quantitative The way in which researchers approach data visualization can have a significant impact on how provoking and far-reaching insights can be. Visualizing data in the right way allows for others to comprehend insights...

Millennial Health and Fitness App Users and What they Want

Millennial Health and Fitness App Users and What they Want Millennials today are increasingly interested in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle. A variety of brands are looking to access this segment of consumers by creating apps and other tools to help them...

A Better Method of Feature Prioritization

A Better Method of Feature Prioritization Prioritizing products for development in itself is already a challenging process. Prioritizing the features within those products can be just as difficult. When it comes to software or other technology developments, feature...