How Market Research Shapes the User Experience (UX)

How Market Research Shapes the User Experience (UX) Let’s set one thing straight, market research is not the only thing to factor into the user experience. There are a variety of tools and resources that user experience experts utilize— user research being one of...

4 Steps to Determining a Price Post Concept Testing

4 Steps to Determining a Price Post Concept Testing After you’ve developed a stellar product concept, how do you figure out how much your consumers are willing to pay for it? Pricing is a tough cookie to crack when it comes to product development. But getting it right...

Why Market Research Is So Crucial to Your Startup

Why Market Research Is So Crucial to Your Startup Oh, startups. If you don’t work at one, you probably know someone who does. Though it feels like a new entrepreneur has struck gold every week, the reality is that only a fraction of such ventures even manage to...