5 Pitfalls in Quantitative Research and How to Avoid Them

5 Pitfalls in Quantitative Research and How to Avoid Them Updated May 8th, 2019. Quantitative research is inherently risky. Though it’s true that numbers don’t lie, the people who gather, analyze, and interpret them are quite capable of fudging the facts every now and...

How to Choose the Right Quantitative Data Visualization

How to Choose the Right Quantitative Data Visualization You’ve carefully conducted research with the right target market and the right questions—now your job is done, right? Wrong. Now you need to choose the right data visualizations to depict the results. The...

4 Mistakes You Could be Making During Concept Testing

4 Mistakes You Could be Making During Concept Testing Concept testing is a means of assessing consumer reactions to a new or modified product or service before launching it in the market. We already know how important it is, as the majority of new products entering...

Types of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Questions

Types of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Questions The research process entails many different steps from selecting a methodology to reporting. An often overlooked area of the research process is the development of research questions. However, we take this part...